Entrepreneurs don't ever give up

Delia Scales

Delia Scales

3 mins read

The one piece of advice I can give is... Don’t ever give up. 

Along the path of your journey, people may - 

Steal your concept 

Use up all your resources then dump you 

Lend you money that you can’t possibly afford to repay, forcing you into early debt and 

bad decisions. 

Everyone I know in the entrepreneurship business has been some of the above situations. 

This is not an easy road to travel. 

From the early days of hunting woolly mammoths, entrepreneurs have been the ‘fix it’ 

person in their clan. 

We see the grief that problems cause in people’s lives, and do our best to resolve them. 

From transporting dead animals back to caves, to preserving food during winter, centuries 

of unknown entrepreneurs have left their mark on society. 

Entrepreneurs are like engineers. We know that the solution lies inside each problem, like 

a pearl inside an oyster. Any key can be reversed engineered. All you need is the lock to 

work with. 

We are not easy-going people. 

But we are tenacious enough to survive the difficult journey of bringing about the small 

but essential improvement that make life safer and richer. 

So don’t give up. Someone somewhere needs your inventions. 

Who am I? 

A Viking type. Strong. Able to survive great tragedy. And chasing a modern day woolly 


What is the problem am I trying to solve? 

Preventable medical errors. 

My mother was told in her forties that breast cancer was a ‘curable disease’. 

Radiotherapy damaged her heart, and she nearly died. After surgery to release the 

pressure from the damaged pericardial layer around her heart, she went home with 

hepatitis C from a tainted blood transfusion. 

In her final years she was dependent on steroids to control the inflammation around her 


Her once handsome face was bloated, Doctors called it ‘prednisone moon face’. She hid, 

ashamed of her appearance. 

Off steroids she lost stones, but became so short of breath she could hardly walk down the 


On steroids she required a seperate wardrobe full of baggy clothes. 

At the age of 63 she rang me. ‘The cancer’s back. It’s in my lungs’. She sobbed. 

The next day I jumped on a bus, plane and train from Geelong, Victoria to the Blue 

Mountains, NSW. 

Three weeks later she was dead. 

My mother had five causes of death listed on her death certificate. Three were caused by 

her ‘successful’ cancer treatment. 


Dressler’s symptom 

Hepatitis C 

Lung cancer 

Breast cancer 

You won’t find my mothers case recorded in any medical statistics. A death post five years 

of initial cancer diagnosis is officially recorded as a ‘cure’. 

Stories of medical error only appear in obscure academic articles. 

Lawyers processing medical negligence claims demand non-disclosure agreements, 

depriving the public of essential knowledge about what goes wrong, why and how often. 

Most health technology never gets subsidised up by government or private insurers, 

despite being safer and more accurate. 

Which is why I created a site that sorts international health technology into medical 

specialties and matches them against the problems they solve. 

It’s called Wikihospitals. 

533 words