The Holiday season used to be super stressful for me. I really love this time of the year; everything from the songs, the decorations, the food, and spectacular displays. And I love hosting parties with family and friends where everyone is laughing and having a good time. But my family will tell you that getting ready for these events was nothing short of a military drill. Everything had to be perfect. The table had to be perfectly decorated and set to standard. The decorations had to be perfectly placed and arranged. The food had to be perfectly prepared and presented. By the time we were ready for the party, no one was in the party mood. One Christmas, my brave daughter told me the truth: “Mom, no one likes you at Christmas. You are mean.” That cut me to the core of my being. And caused me to pause and ask myself, “What am I trying to accomplish here? What’s most important?” The most important thing for me was creating a loving experience for my family and friends. And perfection was derailing me. The next year was different. I decided, “Perfection is overrated!” Who cares if the decorations are not perfect, and the table doesn’t look like Better Homes and Garden? I have my people here, and that is enough.
Perfection is overrated

Rebecca Mott
1 min read